Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amber's first blog

I am currently stuck out in the mountains as a stay at home mom. It is lovely and exactly what the universe has deemed me to do at the moment, but a doctor without a practice could go a little crazy unless she has some sort of intellectual outlet. We like to tell people what to do. I am also a writer, and therefore I am dedicating this part of my life to publishing health related articles. The first article is a big one. One out of three people in the U.S. are said to be doomed to develop cancer in their lifetime. Those numbers are set to grow quickly to one in every two people. 50% of the population set to be exterminated by a disease created by our own bodies under inhospitable conditions. The following article was written with a friend in mind who is dealing with her second round of breast cancer. I hope it brings some light to the subject and is helpful to everyone.
My disclaimer: as always, do not take your health into your own hands. Please seek the advice of a licensed Physician/M.D., or if you are in a state where an Acupuncturist is a primary care provider, then that will suffice as well.

"Alternative Therapies in Cancer Treatment"

Alternative discussions regarding Cancer treatment while under the advisement of an Oncologist….

Cancer begins for many reasons and is associated with many pathologies. Other than aggressive elimination of the cancerous growth, the following theory is a very important consideration. Cancer cannot thrive or survive in a properly alkaline and oxygenated environment. Cancer develops in areas of constant irritation and inflammation. The following suggestions aide the body in alkalinity, oxygenation, anti-inflammation and detoxification. Additionally, some of the substances are known to cut off angiogenesis to tumors and to destroy cancerous cells.

Bowel habits are of utmost importance in prevention and elimination of carcinogenesis in the body. Each area of the bowel relates to a specific nerve bundle which goes directly or indirectly to an organ, tissue or vasculature in the body. Elimination should occur at least once daily and preferably after each meal (from natural means only). If constipation is occurring, toxins are building up in the GI tract, the Liver and the Lymphatic system causing inflammatory conditions in the body… and therefore illness develops. Constipation can be helped by an alkaline diet, 7 to 9 servings of veggies per day, a healthy intake of grains, and a normal intake of water (which is usually half a persons body weight in ounces per day unless there are Kidney conditions). If normal Bowel movements do not occur the following modalities can be helpful. In stubborn conditions, a healthcare provider can suggest herbs which can be of addition help.
Rise in the morning and drink 4 ounces of warm water. Follow with freshly juiced fruit juice cut with half water. Eat a banana and drink some hot tea. Breath deeply, have some alone time and be patient.
Boil some water and add a teaspoon of raw honey. Sip slowly, breath deeply and wait.
Emergency packets taken two at a time and an hour between the next doses. Vitamin C is a natural laxative. For an adult, 6 to 10 packets of the Emergency light or Emergency with MSM are safe for a daily intake.
Senna tea can be taken sparingly but should not be used more than twice weekly.

Do not use any foods marked as including Natural flavorings, Organic flavorings, artificial flavorings, artificial preservatives or artificial colorings. Flavorings are chemical derivatives and are never safe. The reason for this is that our bodies want substances from whole foods and macro sources. If the body is not given a “whole food” it must steal nutrients from other places to make that substance whole. This creates a deficiency in our body. Flavorings, colorings and additives are also not recognized by our bodies and are therefore deemed foreign. Foreign contaminants create inflammatory conditions within the body and create illness. These foreign substances also interfere with brain activity and normal movement of chemicals to our endocrine organs. This results in many pathological changes. Organic and Natural flavorings in food do not mean flavorings derived from spices, essential oils, extracts, or essences. They are a chemical byproduct and not to be consumed by people with compromised health or by otherwise healthy people.
Foods should be organic and nutritional information on cooking for specific body type, illness and constitution should be advised by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Avoid sink water if possible unless there is a filter on it that removes all chlorine and fluoride from the water. Chlorine is carcinogenic and responsible for the high instance of miscarriages and infertility among US women. It becomes lodged in tissues of the body as a means of containing the foreign matter becoming an area of irritation. It is also linked to the high and growing instance of skin cancer in the US. Sodium Fluoride is carcinogenic and not helpful for bone or dental health. Studies for dental health were originally done on Calcium Fluoride which is less carcinogenic and found to be helpful in strengthening teeth. Sodium Fluoride is in our water and not Calcium Fluoride, and it should not be consumed.
Water that is obtained as reverse osmosis or de-ionized is largely devoid of minerals. Trace minerals can be purchased at a health foods store and added to the water to make it more receptive by the body.

Avoiding a Vortex:
We live in an electromagnetic world. An electromagnetic vortex is created by two or more electronic receptors crossing paths. These are nearly impossible to completely avoid these days because of WiFi internet. Areas of vortex in our house are created by having a lamp in one corner and a television in another corner, or a cell phone plugged into an outlet and a lamp or other electronic in the same room. Cell phone usage is linked to electromagnetic disturbance in the body as well as direct radiation to the ear, eye and brain on the side used. It is best to use speaker phone or a land line when possible. To avoid being in a vortex, when you are spending quite a lot of time in one room or sleeping in your bedroom at night, unplug the electronics. Living next to a power plant or large transistors is also problematic. Further discussions on the problems caused by vortex can be found in books pertaining to Quantum and Metaphysics.

Amalgam fillings:
Amalgam fillings begin to break down soon after they enter a persons mouth because of the constant flow of salivary enzymes. The body’s immune system has to constantly tend to these toxins and therefore may neglect other issues in the body. Amalgam materials cause inflammatory processes to occur in the body furthering the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, Cardiac problems and Cancers. Amalgam fillings should be removed as quickly as possible by your Dentist.

Cancerous cells cannot survive in an area of the body that maintains its proper pH balance. Most people tend toward acidity of the body due to improper diet, inadequate water intake, stress, and toxicity. Vegetables and fruits are alkaline in nature when taken in as food. Fruit and veggie juices have a more powerful alkalinizing effect, but they must be obtained immediately after juicing at the health food store, or from an at home juicer. Green juices are the most powerful. Fruit juices are more cleansing and must be used sparingly. A good guideline is 8 ounces of freshly juiced greens, with added carrot or beat juice, taken twice daily. Again, if the juice has been sitting for more than 24 hours, the enzymes have broken down the most important ingredients. The juices must be fresh. Dietary intake of vegetables should be 7 to 9 servings per day. Depending on body constitution and condition, the raw or cooked state of the servings will vary. A serving is about what a person can fit into an adult hand. Grains are more alkalinizing than meat, poultry or fish. Lemon juice freshly squeezed into 8 ounces of water and taken twice daily is highly alkalinizing, but must be from a fresh lemon. Stress causes acidic reactions in the body. Taking deep breaths and yoga alkalinizes the body. Spirulina is highly alkalinizing and has about as much protein as an 8 ounce serving of steak. However, spirulina is an energetically “cold” substance and may need to be taken in very small quantities in some conditions.

Juicing continued…
As the body undergoes Oncology treatments, absorption of nutrients diminishes substantially. Juicing ones food is a good way to give the GI tract and the bowel a break during treatment. Nutrients can be absorbed directly into the walls of the GI tract without being broken down. The body does not have to churn and break down food, therefore expending precious energy which could be better used in recovery from harsh therapies.

Aside from being alkalinizing, deep breathing and yoga are important for oxygenation of the body. Chloroxygen, which can be obtained from most health food stores, is a chlorella tincture that is highly oxygenating and aides in red blood cell production. Other substances which are helpful for oxygenation are food grade hydrogen peroxide and sea vegetables. Hydrogen peroxide therapy should be carefully considered and used under the advisement of a health practitioner.

Herbs and Supplements:

Shark Cartilage has been shown to cut off angiogenesis to tumors.

Cinnamon keeps cancerous cells from moving through the lymphatic system. Additionally, it balances blood sugar which takes a work load off of the liver and pancreas.

Reishi Mushroom has anticancer properties and aides the body’s immune system.

Colloidal Silver works as a secondary immune system for the body to take a load off of the primary immune system. This helps in the elimination of all microbes.

Olive leaf extract aides in elimination of microbes which tax the immune system. Many lymphomas and leukemia result from leftover particles of viruses and bacteria that hide out in the lymphatic system. The immune system is under constant stress eliminating these toxins.

MSM + Vitamin C acts as an immune tonic and eliminates toxins in the body. MSM is a vehicle that helps to drive nutrients into the cell and drive toxins out. Aside from a daily green drink, this is one of the most powerful modalities to employ in cancer therapies.

Garlic is very powerful especially when used daily in cooking. It cleans out the liver and blood vessels taking the work load off of the liver. It is anticancer and helps to eliminate dangerous heavy metals.

Selenium is an important mineral largely missing from the North American diet. Chinese and Japanese woman, who have historically had a negligible instance of cancers have a high intake of Selenium (and sea vegetables) in their diets. Brazil nuts are high in Selenium.

Essiac Tea is an old remedy designed by Renee Caisse. She was a nurse that ridded herself of breast cancer by topical application of a prairie tea. This way of using the tea is not recommended. Instead, the tea is taken orally for a period of no less than three months. The tea is anticancer, anti tumor, detoxifying, antioxidant and overall very cleansing. The tincture of Essiac tea is available via herbs etc and found at health food stores and Critters and Me in Santa Fe.

A full range of vitamins and minerals should be taken on a daily basis. The reason for this is that even in organic produce and grains, the vitamin and mineral content are quite poor in the US. It is best to get vitamins and minerals from food derived substances, but in a person with cancerous lesions and immune compromise it is imperative to get the multivitamin mineral substitute from a 98 to 99% absorbable, chelated and bound source. The two highest on the charts are Douglas Labs and USANA. Douglas labs are carried by most Naturopathic doctors and by Conscious Health clinic in Santa Fe. If this type of vitamin is unavailable, Garden of Life has a good perfect food vitamin. Garden of Life can be found at Whole Foods and other natural food stores.

The body needs enzymes to break down food and free up nutrients from absorption. Enzymes also break down tumors and fibrotic tissue within the body that blocks the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is one of the powerful plumbing systems of the body. If it is blocked, then toxins build up and cannot be eliminated.
Anticancer Chinese Herbal Formulas:
There are hundreds of herbs around the world that are used to combat and eliminate cancer, as well as prevent it. Herbs for prevention should be used regularly and in cooking. A specific formula can be designed and gotten quite easily for each individual person and their specific needs. Again this is up to the person’s health care provider. Most anticancer formulas contain extracts from snake skin, snake venom, bees, insects, and rare grasses, plants and fruit. Anticancer formulas are more expensive than usual formulas because of their rare nature, as well as to protect the sources (animals and other living creatures).

As with any health protocol, it is best to pick and choose supplements to fit the needs of each specific person. Utilize the knowledge of your health care provider to design the best protocol.

The brain is the most important organ we possess in the way of causative intention. It is very easy and possible for us as humans to tell our bodies to do something and then have it do exactly that by way of the hormones created in the brain which quickly travel into the blood stream and to the intended area. Positive visualization is very important. Visualize your body perfectly clean. You must go through each area of the body. If within your third eye, you see an area of your body that is “unclean” or blocked, tell your brain to gently unblock it. You must see this happen and picture it clearly. It may take hours or days to do this, but if you can eliminate distractions and clear your head, so to speak, you can succeed in concentrating on moving through your entire body to remove unwanted obstructions, and to “clean yourself up” visually. You must do this out of a spirit of Love and not Fighting. Cancerous growths and lesions are the body’s primitive way of protection and elimination gone haywire. There is nothing to fight… only to balance, and to remedy. Fighting brings about an attitude of stress.

Lymphatic drainage:
During the time period of recovery, after there are no active tumors, it is important to employ Lymphatic drainage therapy. If herbs are employed which are anticancer and keep cancerous cells from moving through the lymph system, then it is safe to undergo gentle lymphatic drainage massage therapy. This therapy releases toxins from the lymph tissue and other tissues of the body. Toxins which are stored there must be released and eliminated. If they are allowed to remain, the chances of another episode of cancer are more likely. Lymphatic drainage therapy, under conditions of good body hydration and a good anticancer protocol, will need to be continued for a period of 6 to 12 months. It is a gentle therapy and takes time to eliminate all that must be cleansed after a serious illness.

Radiation elimination baths:
Oncology practices employ the use of Radiation to stun and kill tumors and cancerous cells within the body. But the radiation must be eliminated afterward. Otherwise, this becomes another toxic load for the body to clean up. Radiation elimination baths can be used as soon as the evening following Radiation therapy. The following recipe is added to warm bathwater and the soaking time is 20 to 30 minutes:
½ cup sea salt or Celtic salt
½ cup baking soda
½ cup powdered ginger
It is a good idea for spouses and children of the person undergoing therapy to employ the use of these baths as well. Radiation ions spread easily among members of a household. With children the dosage should be proportional to the body weight and should be advised by a healthcare practitioner.

Suggested reading:
“Healing With Whole Foods” by Paul Pitchford
“A Cancer Battle Plan” by Anne E Frahm

Suggested Attachments
Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins
Nutritional information-general
Liver Renewal and Immunity boosting

- Information compiled by Amber Reynolds-Chenault, MSOM, ND, LAc

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